My “Own” Video

If you are reading this blog, you probably know that I host a gluten free baking show on our local cable channel.  What an amazing opportunity that has been.  I believe in the power of video to spread the message on gluten free baking.  It should not be so mysterious and unattainable.  How many times have you put together some ingredients, looked at the batter, and thought “this can’t be right”.  Gluten free batters and doughs are different from wheat ones in consistency, colour and “feel”.  As a baker, I always wanted to “fix” a dough or batter before I baked it, thinking either the recipe was wrong, or I did something wrong.  Video solves that issue by demonstrating how the dough should look and perform.  I love seeing gluten free on video.


Currently, I am taking classes in media, which include lessons and assignments on video production.  I have learned to enjoy the whole process, from concept, to setting up a video shoot, to editing.


Recently an assignment was to make a how-to video.  Naturally, I wanted to make one involving gluten free, in a format that would be worthy of YouTube and sharing.  I have over 30 recipes that I have already done on my baking show, so this needed to be something completely different.

I am in the planning stages of a gluten free event at a local restaurant to feature a demonstration and eating of homemade gluten free pasta.  I began to ponder the options.  I settled on lasagna, not only because I love lasagna, but because it works so well with my gluten free pasta, and it’s a process that should translate well to video.  With this recipe, you don’t have to boil the noodles first, slasagna 2o it saves an annoying step.  Most people who eat gluten free have never had or made fresh pasta.  The goal was to show how easy the process is.  I use an electric pasta machine, but you can use a manual one just as well, or if you’re really keen, a rolling pin.


I have learned that collaborating is wise – the old saying “two heads are better than one”, is very true when it comes to making videos.  I was
fortunate to work with one of my classmates who wanted to expand his skills.  I was content creation, he was shooting and creative editing.  We were shooting in my kitchen.  I made sure I had the equipment and ingredients on hand to make a large pan of lasagna.  Part of the exercise was planning a “storyboard” or layout of each of the different shots and parts of the video.  I know that these things can’t be rushed and it’s a good idea to stick to plan as much as possible.  The shooting went very well.


The old saying “the proof is in the pudding” can be changed for video – “the proof is in the editing”.  Before I was involved in my baking show, I didn’t know or care much about how video is edited.  Now, I find the process fascinating.  I knew I wanted the video short and shareable.  My classmate had some very creative ideas for editing.  We manipulated the footage over and over and I think we produced an entertaining, informative video called “How to Make Gluten Free Pasta & Lasagna”.


Making gluten free pasta is not difficult, and is very rewarding.  Please watch the video and send along your comments.  Please share the video on any of your social media.  I’d love for lots of people to see it.   I plan to do more videos in the future.  Let me know if there’s anything you’d like to see.


The video link is

The pasta recipe is on my website, click YouTube Recipes at

Thanks for watching, and please give it a like or thumbs up if you enjoyed it.


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